Calontir SCA 50 Year Muster
Calontiri Attending SCA 50 Year: 68
F (Fighting), St (Steel), A (Archery), Eq (Equestrian), Ch (Chirurgeon),W (Waterbearing), SK (Soup Kitchen), V (Volunteering), A&S (A&S/Classes), Si (Singing), P (Partying)
Name Group Arrive Depart F St A Eq Ch W SK V A&S Si P Notes Tent Size Tent Notes
Soren Atte Raven & Rowan del Wich BFS/Aston Tor 06-17 06-25 X X X X 15' x 15' square + rope lengths
'Aine nic Tailliuer Aston Tor 06-17 06-26 X X X 15 x 15 roman wall this includes ropes
Dorcas Whitecap Forgotten Sea 06-18 06-26 X X X X I think my tent is 10' x 10', but not sure of the I'll try to measure my tent footprint at Horse & Falcon and let you know.
Vincent de Vere Axed root 06-17 06-25 X X 18x23 including ropes Camping with Kristine Nic Tallieur
Kristine Nic Tallier Axed Root 06-17 06-25 X X X X X 18x23 with Ropes Camping with Vincent de Vere
Rufus Tenstone Shire of Lost Moor 06-18 06-26 X X X X I registered first of year already have land reserved. 14' circular
Katriana op den Dijk CM 06-19 06-26 X X X Yay for using Dream of Calontir! I'm still hoping to get a new tent (but finances and time being what they are, not looking good for this year, ah well, Lilies IV wasn't THAT long ago) 14 x 14 or so A frame, 10 x 14, but added a bit for guy ropes in case of high wind (too high, and I'll be sleeping in the parking lot in a Honda fit)
Gerald Goodwine Mag Mor 06-17 06-26 X Not camping in Calontir, living upstairs in the Great Machine N/A
Johann Steinarsson Vatavia 06-18 06-24 X X X X X 14' diameter SoulPad
Halldór Skaptason Shire of Lost Moor 06-17 11-30 X X X Registered early for area close to archery Area for Shire of Lost Moor. 20' x 30' Tent (includes guy line) plus 10' by 20' Camping with Rufus Tenstone and Shire of Lost Moor
Gwendolen of CairnRyan Shire of Lost Moor 06-17 06-26 X X X X Registered early for area close to archery Area for Shire of Lost Moor. 20x30 includes guy lines plus 10x20 Kitchen Camping with Rufus Tenstone Lothar the Red and Shire of Lost Moor
Giovanni Loredan Axed Root 06-17 06-26 X X X X X 18x23 including ropes Camping with Ulfvaldr Folkmarsson
Geraint ap Hywel Glyndwrfydwr, Alienor Walcott & Katherina HL BFS/ Canton of Loch Bheathrach 06-17 06-23 X X X X X X All times dependent upon the 3 year old ruler of our known world... 10 x 10 mundane We're bringing our boring tent because we don't have a way yet to transport our wonderful period tent! (one thing at a time)
Kateryn de Develyn Barony of Coeur d'Ennui 06-19 06-25 X X X X X Sharing tent space with Becky Anderson. She will fill out the tent space requirement as she has the tent. 18x21 Not my tent.
Nesscia BLT 06-17 06-26 X RV camping
Eowyth þa Siðend Barony of Three Rivers 06-18 06-26 X X X X X X With the Ippo Proti in tow! Staying with Richard & Nikolena See Richard & Nikolena's tent size
Nikolena Martinovna Popriadukhina B3R 06-17 06-26 X X X X We are also bringing Kacey the horse 14 x 16 Also in tent will be Richard deBleys and Eowyth
Leif of Crescent Moon Loch Bheathrach 06-19 06-26 X X X roman wall with large front shade fly 10 x 12 Rope allowance
Alan Smyith of Darkdale Bois d'Arc 06-18 06-25 X X X X 16' x 16' Roman with 12' x 12' footprint. Interlacing ropes on side and back fine.
Rigela Alicia la Placida Bois d'Arc 06-18 06-25 X X X X X Alan's tent 10 x 10
Magdalene von Osnabrueck (Maggie) B3R 06-17 06-26 X X I will probably arrive on Sunday, rather than Friday. 15x15 Need guy lines to set up and take down
Maggie Three Rivers 06-20 06-25 X X X Youth Activites See Slaine's tent
Truetvin Inglefinger Loch Bheathrach 06-19 06-26 X X Camping with Leif of Crescent Moon, Olivia Skerrett, 10x12
Olivia Scarritt Loch Bheathrach 06-19 06-26 X X X Campting with Leif of Crescent Moon, Truetvin Inglefinger, Asher of Loch Bheathrach 11x17 Mundane
Asher of Loch Bheathrack Loch Bheathrack 06-19 06-26 X X Camping with Leif of Crescent Moon, Olivia Scarrett, Truetvin Inglefinger 10x12 Mundane
Dulcibella de Chateaurien Calanais Nuadh 06-19 06-26 X X 15 X 25 small period pavilion and fly including ropes for four people
Paul Adler Calanais Nuadh 06-19 06-26 X X Camping with Dulcibella de Chateaurien 15 X 25 Dulcibella's tent 15 X 25 (already entered in muster list)
Siobhan Calanais Nuadh 06-19 06-26 X X Camping with Dulcibella de Chateaurien 15 X 25 (Camping with Dulcibella de Chateaurien) Camping with Dulcibella de Chateaurien (tent size already entered in muster)
Dolan Madoc Lonely Tower 06-19 06-26 X X camping with Kezia 10x15 saxon wedge don't need any room to the sides, about 4' front and back for wind ropes
Leofwyna l'Mae and Etienette Bluet Barony of MagMor 06-17 06-26 We'll be spending alternate days sitting at TGM watching over it so Master Gerald isn't tied down permanently and can visit other parts of the event. We'll be in a little camper in the rv area
Kezia von Holzenhaus Lonely Tower 06-19 06-26 X camping with Dolan sharing with Dolan
Miakushka Loshkina BSF 06-17 06-26 X X X 16x10 Camping next to Lothar Der Rot
Lothar Der Rot BFS 06-17 06-26 X X 16x10 Camping near Miakusha Loshkina
Talia Griffin and Randolph Fletcher Aston Tor 06-17 06-26 X X X Working with Master Gerald with the Great Machine. We will be arriving early and leaving late with him for the set up and take down of the Machine. 15 X 19 Mundane Tent and shade fly/kitchen. Ropes are included in the size.
Catrijn vanden Westhende Shadowdale 06-19 06-26 X X X X Registered starting Sunday, but probably not arriving until Monday. 10x10 Wedge, no ropes.
Bietriz la cristaliere No mountain 06-19 06-25 X Sharing tent with Kateryn de Develyn 12x25
Nikita pashavich Crystal mynes 06-20 06-25 X 2 people in tent Anne and I 16' round
Vashti al-A'sar Shire of Westumbria 06-18 06-25 X X X Teaching a couple of dance classes. Working on spinning and weaving projects. And shenannigans. See Cian's tent info
Fernando B3R 06-19 11-30 X X X X 12x12 with 2.5" long ropes
Miklos Farma Lonely Tower 06-19 06-26 X X X X X 15' x 12' Don't need a lot of "rope room", but would like enough room in front for cooking space and a chair or two please.
Seraphina Brugari Barony of Mag Mor 06-18 06-26 X 21x18 Camping with Count Semjaka and Belinda
Belinda Hickman Mag Mor 06-19 06-26 X N/A Camping in tent with Seraphina Brugari
Melodia BFS 06-18 06-26 X X 14'x16' will be camping next to Cordeilla and Xandre.
Fionna nic Alisdair Grimfells 06-17 06-24 X X X see Andrixos Frame tent
Roderick de Graham Vatavia 06-19 06-25 X X X 10 X 20 Viking
Aleit de la Thomme Barony of the Lonely Tower 06-17 06-26 10*20 approx. dimensions of canvas pavilion +/- ropes
Grrnamyr Synn Calontir 06-15 06-26 Helping to set up the great machine (coming in early on wed) 20X20 20x20 (with ropes)
Melanie de la Tour Barony of Three Rivers 11-30 11-30 X X X X I don't have tent dimensions yet, because I need to buy a new one. TBD
Alan Berylson Calanais Nuadh 06-18 06-25 X X X X 17' round, plus 10x15 front porch (includes ropes) Sharing tent with Margery of Penrith
Margery of Penrith Calanais Nuadh 06-18 06-25 X X X X X See Alan Berylson's tent specs Sharing tent with Alan Berylson
Shane Aston Tor 06-17 06-23 10 x 10
Test User Test Group 06-17 06-24 X X X X X X X X X X X These are notes 900x900 Really Big!
Brian Robert MacDougall Forgotten Sea 06-19 06-25 X X X X X X X 10x14 Mundane
Ulfvaldr Folkmarsson Axed Root 06-17 06-25 X X X X X 18x23 including ropes Camping with Giovanni Loredan
Cian mac Lorccan ua Conaill Shire of Westumbria 06-17 06-17 X Vashti will be with me. 21'x13'x7.6' camping beside Sir Cai Douglas.
Richard DeBleys B3R 06-17 06-27 X X X X X In with Nikolena who already did muster sign up It's a big tent.... And has a shade fly... This was the one set up at Gulf but the Royal Pavillion
Slaine Three Rivers 06-20 06-25 X X X X 10 by 12 This is a roman wall tent. It will need about 3 feet all around for rope but can intermingle on the sides. I'd like to bring a 10 by 10 shade fly and I'm happy to share it with other if need be.
Christoph Adler Calanais Nuadh 06-19 06-26 X Camping with Dulcibella de Chateaurien 15 X 25 (Camping with Dulcibella de Chateaurien) Camping with Dulcibella de Chateaurien (Tent size already entered in muster)
Francisca de Leon Calontir 06-15 06-27 X X X X X Helping set up The Great Machine. Arriving 6/15 morning and departing 6/27 6x6
Amba allrasystir B3R 06-18 06-26 X X X X X X X 10X12 ROMAN WALL 3 foot for ropes.
Andrixos Seljukroctonis Grimfells 06-17 06-26 X X X X X 20 x 15 Frame tent
Semjaka Barony of Lonely Tower 06-19 06-26 X X X X 10x12 Wedge
Pepin BFS 06-19 06-26 X X X pregistered for sunday, probably won't get there until monday 18' x 15' including ropes
Conrad Martin von Kassel Stones 06-19 06-25 X X Dancing, you forgot to include Dancing ;) 14' round with short ropes - will see how long at
Xandre BFS 06-18 06-25 X X X 14 x 48 Total dimensions of "Xandrellia: 50year edition" (Two wall tents and the intervening shadefly and a pop-up TBD).
Cordellia Uxor Alexander BFS 06-18 06-25 X X X camped in "Xandrellia: 50year edition"
Quintus Theron Alexander BFS 06-18 06-25 X X X Teacup Xandre camped in "Xandrellia: 50year edition"
Hobbs and Sine BFS/Aston Tor 06-17 06-26 X X X X Please note the date selection tool isn’t accurate. We will arrive 3/14 and leave 3/21. 20’ x 30’ Space includes rope
17 9 23 9 1 10 9 26 33 40 43